Choice Boards

Choice Board Background

This week I created my first Choice Board! I wanted the subject to be on something that I could potentially teach so I chose the Salem Witch Trials. I find the Salem Witch Trials fascinating and Halloween is almost right around the corner so I thought this was a fitting subject to focus on. As of now, I would assign the Choice Board at the beginning of the unit so that they can start working on the activities as we go over the content. I might assign it later in the unit if my first group struggles with having it so early. The way I have my Choice Board set up is that I would make a copy of the Google Doc for each student on Google Classroom. I have three pieces of clip art that they will place over the three activities that they choose. Once they do that, they will submit the Google Doc back to me and then I will create assignments on Google Classroom for them to turn in their activities.

What I struggled with

Some of the activities are designed to show that the student understands the content. Other activities are designed to promote higher thinking. It was tricky trying to organize the board so that students would get both types of activities no matter which three squares they chose. I also found it difficult trying to explain the activities within the squares of the Choice Board. What I ended up doing was linking each square to information on each activity further down on the Google Doc, and just giving an abbreviated description in the actual square. I was able to do this using the Bookmark/Link features.

Here are the screen shots of my Choice Board and explanation of activities!


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