Retrieval Practice Using Socrative

Retrieval Practice

The best way I can think to describe retrieval practice is to share what Jennifer Gonzalez says in her blog. She says that, "retrieval practice is the act of trying to recall information without having it in front of you." This probably doesn't seem like a new concept to you. If you're like me, you might have thought of flashcards or tools like Quizlet. These can be ways to do retrieval practice. Some other ways that Gonzalez mentions are low-stakes/no-stakes quizzes or brain dumps. I focused on these last two methods for this activity. I created a quiz on Virginia's geographical regions using Socrative. The quiz could be used as an exit ticket or a warm up for the class after a lesson. This would be a no-stakes quiz since I would not be using it as a grade. If this quiz was a warm up, you could bridge it into a think-pair-share once everyone was done.


This was my first time really using Socrative. Overall, I liked it. I thought my quiz was easy to create and I was able to add pictures into the questions, which I needed for this particular quiz. It didn't affect what I was doing for this quiz, but there are limited options for questions choice (multiple choice, true/false, and short answer). I used short answer questions for everything since I was doing retrieval practice. 

Check out my Socrative here and use the code SHOLL to access the quiz. 


Jennifer Gonzalez's blog post on Retrieval Practice is a great read. She also has her interview with Dr. Pooja Agarwal on there as well. Check out that post here!


  1. Virginia Regions about retrieval practice! I think I did pretty well for not having taught that in about 15 years. We used to use MS Paint to draw the regions on a outline of VA. I recently saw the same activity done with a layer in Google Maps. It was pretty cool to watch students search for certain towns and cities then draw lines to connect the dots for the border of each region.

    I bet they would have done better on the quiz than I did.

  2. Katie, I liked how simple it was and I'm glad you were able to try out Socrative. I used to use it a lot in the beginning of my teaching years but I haven't been using it much. There are so many other tools we can use but after reading your blog, I will have to use it soon!


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