Just Getting Started

Getting my blog set up

I’m a little embarrassed that as a digital native I have little to no experience with blogs. This is definitely going to be a learning experience for me, but I’m ready for it!

The instructional video made setting up my blog fairly easy. I occasionally had to refer back to it, but the setup is user-friendly. In fact, what I struggled with the most was coming up with a name for my blog. I started out with generic ideas like Katie’s Corner, but most of what I came up with was already taken. Finally, I used a strategy from my Yearbook and Newspaper days and started brainstorming words that had to do with myself and blogging. Obviously I ended up blending my last name, Sholl, and the word soliloquy. I look forward to continue playing around with my blog and personalizing it.

Uses in the classroom

I’ve been thinking about how I might use blogs in my classroom. I could have my students keep a personal blog throughout the year and have them use it almost like a journal. They could track their progress via their blog posts and see how they have progressed in their learning. It could also be a way for them to communicate with each other. Another way I might incorporate blogs in my classroom is to have them blog as a historical figure. I haven’t totally decided how this would work, but right now I’m thinking I would give them a list of people that we are going to study and they can pick from that list. I might ask them to respond to an event as if they were that person. I’m sure as I get more familiar with blogging I will find more ways to use them in my classroom!


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