
Where I was

Honestly, before this class I was skeptical of technology in the classroom. I knew that as teachers we were supposed to be incorporating it into our classrooms. During my observations, I had only seen a couple of teacher use technology effectively. I grew up in a generation where technology was growing and starting to be used in a classroom, but we weren't allowed to have personal devices on us. That made me biased because I'm not much older than some of these high school students and I got through school just fine without a lot of technology. At this point I did not see technology as an aide, just a distraction.


After finishing my Educational Technology class I feel like I have learned so much.It truly has been one of the most interesting and useful classes that I have taken during my grad work. I think there are two main areas where this class has allowed me to grow.

Growing out of my comfort zone

Getting out of my comfort zone is a big one. The blog in and of itself is WAY out of my comfort zone! In the past I have always been a little self conscious about my writing and so to do it on a public forum was very nerve wracking for me. Now, I don't really think twice about it. My peers have been supportive and offer good points in their feedback to my posts. I feel more comfortable as a writer. It was also a little daunting when I was asked to create something on and an app that I had never used before, like Adobe Spark. When I tried Spark for the first time I literally had no idea what I was doing. However, after continually trying new apps or resources, it gets easier to learn the works and functions of new tools quickly. Towards the end of my semester I started recording voice over tutorials. I really had to force myself to do this because I don't like the sound of my voice and I was totally inexperienced at this.  I made myself do it because it was going to be the easiest way show how to use a resource and I knew I might need use this tool later and I wanted to get familiar with doing it. I don't think I'm totally comfortable at this yet but I know I can get there!

Growing in knowledge and understanding

I've learned a lot about different technology tools and resources that I can use in the classroom, like Kahoot! or Seesaw. I've learned how to enhance tools that I had already been using, like making Google Slides interactive. I've also come to better understand the ISTE standards for educators and what they mean. I feel like I have became a better learner of technology. This doesn't just include exploring new apps but learning when certain technology is good to use and when it isn't. Sometimes technology doesn't work for your purpose and that's okay. I also feel like I've grown in being a leader for technology. I've been able to have conversations with those outside the education field and advocate for technology in the classroom. Not everyone understands its importance and it might be our job to explain it. I've also learned more about leadership in technology by modeling different apps and tools to my classmates, and them to me. That collaboration is something else that I now have a better understanding of. Discussing these apps and tools with each other really helped me learn more about them. Even if we were reviewing the same thing, like Nearpod, one of my peers might be able to show me something that I didn't know or think of. While creating content on technology, I have also had to think about how I could modify it for students so that it can be best used for their learning. 

Where I am now

So where did all this growth get me? I have a much better understanding of technology and its purpose now. I like technology and I find it fun to create and explore new things. I believe in its usefulness and I feel like I can share that with other teachers or staff in the educational field. I also feel like I can explain its value to those who are skeptics and don't understand it's place in the classroom. I'm reminded of some of the lesson plans that I have created for past classes and now think about how they can be enhanced by specific apps or resources. 

Where I want to be

This is a little harder for me to know because I'm not in a classroom yet so I don't even have a baseline to work with. I do know that I want to be a teacher that effectively uses technology.  I want my students to be able to use it effectively as well. I want to continue to learn new technologies and be a leader to my peers and students.

References and resources mentioned


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